Sunday, September 15, 2024

Service, with a style

How a top Las Vegas waitress is making life easier for her colleagues.


Cindy Strong, owner of Waitress World

For 12 years, Cindy Strong has been working as a professional waitress at a top Las Vegas hotel/casino.

After many years of searching through several stores for the uniforms and other supplies that servers need to be successful, Strong decided to take matters into her own hands: three years ago, she started a one-stopshop called Waitress World (located at 3993 Dean Martin Dr.).

“Las Vegas waitresses have never had a place where we could get supplies — like nylons that match our skin tones,” said Strong. “So I also recreated a line of nylons that some have said last them three months. The Waitress World nylons come in various shades for all skin tones. We also offer shoes, jewelry and the clear purses that are required by many hotel properties in Vegas.”

Waitress World specialty nylons

Strong reports that business has been great since she hung her shingle in 2012. She looks forward to expanding one day — and would, eventually, like to offer franchise opportunities to other entrepreneurs.

For more information, call (702) 476-9300.

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