Sunday, September 15, 2024

In town, Philly — back again

The Philadelphia Dance Company arrives in Vegas.

The Philadelphia Dance Company (Philadanco)

The Philadelphia Dance Company (Philadanco) is celebrating its 50th season — and recently performed at the Charleston Heights Arts Center. Across the nation and around the world, the troupe is celebrated for its innovation, creativity and preservation of predominantly African-American traditions in The Philadelphia Dance Company arrives in Vegas. In town, Philly — back again dance.

Joan Myers Brown is the founder of Philadanco and the Philadelphia School of Dance Arts. She serves as honorary chairperson for the International Association of Blacks in Dance (IABD), an organization she established in 1991. Her many credits and accolades in the arts make her a living icon — who travels internationally with Philadanco company to showcase the cultural gift of dance.

Many attended the Vegas performance, along with young people from the West Las Vegas Cultural Center who aspire to become professional dancers. Some of the professional dancers from the company also lead community dance workshops for the youth.

Myers-Brown was elated to see her longtime friend, Anna Bailey, after the performance at the Charleston Heights Arts Center. They reminisced about the days they danced together in the 1960s at Over 100 decorated cars participated in the Las Vegas Dunes Hotel.

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