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NUBIAN WELLNESS: Light outshines darkness — every time

May 22, 2019 by  
Filed under Extra

Light outshines darkness — every time



Tiffany Mayes Eholor

Happy month of May, family! It’s check in time. We are almost halfway through 2019. How is everyone feeling? Time flies when you’re getting things done, doesn’t it?

Let us give thanks for all that is. Let us give thanks for the light of truth that reveals our paths as we commit to honesty, transparency and integrity. Let us give thanks for the courageous souls that have come before us; their examples remind us that no matter what our trials and tribulations may be, we always come out on top as a collective.

Let us give thanks for taking the time to build bridges with our neighbors by creating diverse teams that innovate change for the betterment of our futures — through, and by, our young people. Let us give thanks for our unrelenting nature of self-evolving creative development within our communities.

Let us give thanks for taking the time to nourish our bodies, by mindfully eating what we need in order to execute with top performance. Let us give thanks for making sufficient time in our schedules for mental rest and physical sleep.

Let us give thanks for forgiving ourselves for not always getting “it” right every time we try something new. Let us give thanks for our natural state of self-love. Let us give thanks to our resilient gift for finding solutions amongst the chaos.


No matter what the headlines say, this moment in history is a powerful time to be alive. The challenges may cause momentary doubt and anguish, but make no mistake: each and every one of us is here on this earth for a specific purpose. You are alive today because you have what it takes, genetically encoded in your DNA, to evolve humanity one choice at a time. Free will is the only gift given to us in this life. If history has a way of repeating itself, then how much more value does the notion of free will choice hold for you?


Have you ever taken a moment to notice the nature of the great leaders in history when it comes to maintaining a strong mentality? I have — and here is what I have gathered to list a few:

  • No one can accomplish great things alone. When you need help, ask for it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness — it’s a sign of strength.
  • Nurturing a trusted relationship with oneself will lead you to others who practice the same. Your vibe attracts your tribe. If you find yourself finding fault with others, remember this is a red flag that you are finding fault within yourself. Chill out. Everyone is doing the best they can.
  • Take a break to smell the roses. It is important to take time out every day and give ourselves a genuine “thank you” for all of the work we are putting into our lives. Life is precious. Just say thank you.
  • Keep telling your story, with gratitude, no matter what the messy details may be. When we release the guilt, shame, and regret in our stories, we receive gifts of renewal that enable us to step into the next chapter of our own personal evolution. Communication is necessary for evolution.
  • Pay your blessings forward. All matter vibrates at frequencies unseen to the naked eye. There is a currency of flow that is necessary to maintain constant change. Change is the only constant. Always give back to those in need. There is not one human being on this earth who is not in need of something. We are here to help one another.


Maintaining our strong mentality is one of — if not the — most important responsibilities we have as human beings. In a world of instant global information at our fingertips, it can be emotionally overwhelming to process.

Take time out every day, in pure silence, to give thanks for the fact that there is more love in world than reported — and that we are now further along than we have ever been. Remember: Your ancestors are cheering you on. You are never alone.

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