Saturday, February 8, 2025

Patti Pennington says ‘Cancer Won’t Win’

Renowned singer — and House of Blues Gospel Brunch entertainer — Patti Pennington will hold a live concert event on October 4, to benefit people who are suffering from cancer or have survived the disease. “This year’s Cancer Won’t Win fundraiser will be held at a beautiful venue called The Space, which is located behind the Cosmopolitan Hotel,” said Pennington. “I will be doing a live recorded concert at the event, […]

When mom is doing it by herself

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Extra

BY CAPUCINE HOLMES Can A Woman Raise A Man?” is the name of a book written by Q. Allen King — focusing on single mothers and fatherhood, and the intersection with religious values, family and heritage in everyday situations. The question posed in the title has particular resonance today: the U.S. Census Bureau reports the percentage of children living with only their mother has nearly tripled from 8 to 23 […]

The President Has Packed An Immoral Handbasket

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Community

BY LOUIE OVERSTREET At the end of the Civil War, an Illinois judge named Morris described what northern prisoners of war would like to do with the abolitionists they blamed for starting the war. “Send them,” he said, “to hell in a handbasket.” It is fair to say that America has been the unquestioned military, economic, and moral leader of the world for decades. And I […]

Protecting our children’s safety on a night for ghouls, goblins, and ghosts

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Extra

BY EVA MARTIN The holiday season is fast approaching, and it is every adult’s responsibility to make sure that children stay safe and secure during these special times. Halloween is the first holiday of the season — and we can protect our children’s safety with common-sense precautions and basic vigilance on the big night. Halloween is a beloved holiday that challenges young people […]

PEACE: Courageous!

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

  These new times call for us to be courageous. Sometimes we confuse the pursuit of courage with sabotaging our peace; embracing the idea that we can reduce frustration by going along with the status quo and “staying in our lane.” But a silent voice can also perpetuate confusion — by giving the green light to bad behavior and injustice. Courage lies deep […]

HEALTHIER YOU: Understanding breast cancer

BY DR. ANNETTE MAYES, OB/GYN October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month — and it is crucial that women make it a point to do self-breast exams and get regularly-scheduled mammograms. There are some people who feel that breast cancer will never happen to them. But breast cancer does not discriminate; other than skin cancer, it is the most common cancer among women in the United States. Some women […]

WELL WOMEN OF COLOR | Rosalind Brooks

The Spice of Life Here are 9 healing herbs and spices that you need to begin including in your daily diet. In addition to eating healthier foods and exercising, herbs and spices can help to boost our health when we aren’t always doing our part. Ginger: it is calming, helps with nausea and reduces joint inflammation Cumin: helps prevents cancer Thyme: […]

‘I’m a survivor’

October 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Feature

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to focus on a deadly but detectable disease that affects many women and even some men. According to the website Cancer Facts and Figures for African Americans, Black women have a 6% lower risk of cancer diagnosis than white women — but a 14% higher risk of cancer death. Notably, despite […]

Tyler Perry’s BOO2! In Theaters

‘So much is going on in this country, and I just wanted to have some fun’