Friday, July 26, 2024

What do you see in the mirror?

July 15, 2024 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

BY KIMBERLY BAILEY-TUREAUD At different stages of our life’s journey, we pause to look in the mirror and see our physical selves.  When we take that occasional glance, what might be overlooked is the point of our existence. Are you living the existence you had imagined at this point in your life?  The intensity of […]

PEACE: The Pull Up

March 17, 2024 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

BY KIMBERLY BAILEY-TUREAUD Yes, that day, I was feeling really bad, Ms. Celie. But you helped me.” This line in “The Color Purple” speaks volumes about sisterhood and the woman-to-woman connection that heals.  People often mask their emotions, hiding the pain in their spirit. We have grown so accustomed to disguising hurt — it happens […]

PEACE: Giving Thanks vs. Gratitude!

November 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

BY KIMBERLY BAILEY-TUREAUD Many will say a quick “thank you” after receiving an act of giving, but there are some clear differences between saying “thank you,” and the internal gift of “gratitude.”  The “thank you,” is the response, and “gratitude” is the presence of peace.The courtesy of a “thank you,” is welcomed by many. But […]

PEACE: While You Wait

Many of us want what we want — exactly when we want it.  Unfortunately, the plan He has for us demands patience. Life is a giver of ALL things, and it is our divine duty to be proactive in preparation for things to come.  The gift is the process where lessons await our understanding. Strength […]

Finding peace in nature

September 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

When the rain comes pouring down, it represents the universe cleansing our environment. The tap-tap-tap on the windows — even the splash falling into a pet’s water pail — possesses a hypnotic quality that brings balanced energy.  Many people overlook the power of nature — or take it for granted as a mere part of […]

PEACE: Disruption of the smooth flow

August 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

Are you a disruptor? Not in a negative way, but in refusing to allow mediocrity to dictate movement in your progressive, independent life. “Free at last” is not just a physical state, but something that stems from the soul. The trust we possess in our own insight and perspective is essential — and we have […]

PEACE: One Footprint In The Sand!

June 11, 2023 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

There are times when we are reminded that we are truly alone. The tide of the universe washes away all that we thought life should be. The only thing left is your own will to pull it together and make it through another day, another moment, or another life experience. You understand that telling your […]

PEACE: Step into escape

April 30, 2023 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

The days come and go. Time waits for no one. Daily routines can make you feel like life is closing in. And then it’s time to go to sleep, and the habitual routines continue. It is important to feel the peace you dream of — by stepping into your days with intention and spontaneous moments […]

PEACE: Knocked Down, But Not OUT!

April 5, 2023 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

Things come down upon us at different times throughout our life journey. The good is always embraced — and often taken for granted. But you can be left feeling crushed when the rain comes and brings unexplained pain or tragedy. The numbness that makes you float through days of pain can be unbearable, and sometimes […]

PEACE: Living the Simple Life

March 15, 2023 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

People and situations often seem very complicated or give the impression of complexities that lack truth. Remember: you have the power to interpret and dissect the complications in life and simplify them for adequate mental digestion. We are conditioned to always make others feel valid, greater than, intelligent, and justified — because some feel safer […]

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