Friday, July 26, 2024

PEACE: Life is to be LIVED!

October 1, 2022 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

We all are walking through lives that are either foisted upon us or come from our individual souls. The life that is given is the gift. What we do with it depends solely on the choices we make.

The wish for our life is sometimes a dream only realized when our eyes are closed. Yes, it’s time to stay woke and make all of our intentions reality for the life we imagine. Good intentions feed actions that fuel our desires — so live a life of intention with the matters-of-fact that can be touched and felt. Everything on this great planet is for everyone to enjoy, and your job is to manifest what is often called “The Good Life.”

Many have a problem: they believe the good in life is measured by material wealth and accumulation — and in doing so, bury their joy.

But on the contrary, the joy that is searched for lies within our souls. We walk with Him. And He only wants us to see the beauty in all things that are given. Sometimes the good and the bad are lessons to birth gratitude that triggers contentment and serenity. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” is the blanket of love for a warm embrace.

The expectations of the world may not be in alignment with your self-worth. It’s okay for you to fellowship with your truth and answer with confidence your decision to make movements in life that make your soul smile.

Tap into emotions that the world tells you to suppress. Feel, laugh, cry, dance, scream, whisper, listen, talk, but most of all BE!

Grow with the power of the universe — ever-changing and with unpredictable joy. Do what you always wanted to do and be who you always wanted to be.

Life is to be lived unapologetically. Let’s do this — life is waiting for you!

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