Do you keep putting off upgrading your lawn to a water-smart design that can save you time and money? Well you’re in luck, because now is the perfect time to start planning. Southern Nevada’s climate allows for year-round landscape installation, so winter is no excuse to put off much-needed upgrades for your water intensive grass.
By installing your water-smart landscape during the winter months, you’ll be able to enjoy lower water bills and (typically) less maintenance hassle this spring and summer. And you’ll most likely find some good contractor deals as well if you do a little research.
Now, where do you start? For landscape ideas and inspiration, check out the SNWA’s six free sample landscape designs. Created by professional landscape architects, the designs can be modified to fit any size yard.
If you want to jazz up your front yard, take a look at the Low-Maintenance or Color Explosion front yard designs. If it’s your backyard that needs some help, the Mojave Accents, Child-Friendly and Entertaining Backyard designs are sure to inspire. If you have a pool, the Pool-Friendly Backyard design will address landscape water-savings and outdoor living space. You can use the design as your blueprint or simply for ideas.
Once you’re committed to making the change, follow these tips to ensure a successful conversion:
• Before you remove any grass, sign up for the Water Smart Landscapes rebate program. Your conversion could earn you $1.50 for each square foot of grass replaced with water-smart landscaping.
• Do a little research. Order a free copy of a sample landscape design or the SNWA’s Water Smart Landscapes book by calling 258-SAVE or visiting
• Get inspired. Visit one of the community’s demonstration gardens to see the variety of plants that thrive in Southern Nevada. You also can sign up for free landscaping classes at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.
• Develop a master plan and budget.
• See if your sprinkler system’s existing pipes can be converted to a drip system.
• Buy starter plants. Choose plants in one-gallon containers instead of five-gallon containers. They cost less and will catch up to mature plants in a season or two.
• Mulch, mulch, mulch. Whether you choose woods chips, rocks or crushed granite, mulches prevent soil erosion and water evaporation.
In the meantime, winter watering restrictions are in effect through the end of February. Properties can only water on the one day assigned to their watering group. And remember: Turn off your entire irrigation system during rainy weather and your sprinkler system on windy days. Every little bit counts!
To find your watering group, or sign up for the Water Smart Landscapes rebate program, visit or call the Conservation Helpline at 258-SAVE.
Turning Black To Green is hosted monthly by
Nicole Lise from the Las Vegas Valley Water District
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