Tuesday, January 14, 2025

PEACE – Take advantage of the NEW YEAR!

January 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

As a new year begins, there is peace in the knowledge that we have been blessed with more time to reaffirm ourselves and our vision for a more prosperous journey. Time goes by quickly, so we must understand that all of our hopes and dreams rely upon movement toward a positive outcome.
The word “new” is powerful and sometimes instills fear. Uncertainty might cause us to retreat, fighting to hold on to baggage that does not nurture our growth. There is peace in keeping faith and allowing the universe to turn as it will. New is infinite; its branches reach out and take hold of you no matter where you try to hide. Embracing the new gives us an opportunity to experience resurgent energy, which in turn enables us to perform at our true level of excellence.
There may be changes in employment status, relationships or even the loss of a loved one, but there is always a new day ahead that will rise with the sunlight as it hits your window. It is up to you to embrace, with grace, the new that has been bestowed upon you and use it to develop a blueprint for peace. I believe the Lord has a plan for each of us, and we must trust Him when something has been taken away. In the case of lost employment or relationships, your life journey may detour into a situation that better fits God’s plan for you. Trust in the plan and the journey, and enjoy the new people and environment that await.
We also have the power to bring about new and better situations for ourselves and our families. Don’t continue putting people in elected positions just because they are familiar, or because you might be afraid of a new representative who could do more for the well-being of your community. Ask yourself, “What has been done?”
You deserve all the advantages that newness can bring. If we work hard and stay focused, it can be a constant source of wonder and bounty.

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