Monday, January 13, 2025

What is the SOLUTION to this crisis?

“My solution to the problem is parental involvement. We need to work on improving the family structure. There are a lot of single parents in Nevada, raising children alone. The parents need to get involved with the child’s curriculum, meet the child’s teacher, attend the parent conferences and ask the child questions about their day. Parents need to show interest and give affirmation to the child’s accomplishments. I think this would make a difference.” — Magg Pratt

“We need to expose our children to careers and positive lifestyles that will motivate them to complete school. They need to know that by obtaining a strong education, their options will be in abundance. A great education, accompanied by a trade, would put them in a great position for stability.” — Mark Burkes, Jimmy’s Market

“I feel it’s our responsibility as adults to get out to the schools and offer more support. If the youth had more activities to make school more fun, that might help. The black professionals in our community need to talk to the youth and reassure them that people care about their future success.” — Marcus Allen, Masterpiece Barbershop

“Mentor programs. We must put things in place for our children to succeed. Our community needs to do whatever it takes. It’s everyone’s responsibility now — whether it be our own children or someone else’s. It takes a village. We say it over and over and don’t apply it in a village way, a unified way.” — Carolynn Essex

“Parents need to get involved and stay involved! Just because the school bell rings, that doesn’t mean the teaching and learning has to stop.” — China Fleming

“We need to be more attentive to our children and look at improving our value system.” — Sharron Williams, owner of Shay’s clothing store


One Response to “What is the SOLUTION to this crisis?”
  1. Through comments on blogs or weblogs, teachers can share their classroom experiences. Her articles held a reader’s interest.”

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