Monday, January 13, 2025

PEACE – In a Mother’s Love

From the moment a child is born, he or she is embraced by the wonder of a mother’s love. The kind of love that is undeniable, unconditional and leads to a higher level of understanding. When a baby’s head first lays on a mother’s chest, and their heartbeats synchronize, it sparks a connection meant to last a lifetime.
The peace that is found in a mother’s smile can soothe the soul. A glance of approval can propel her offspring tounforeseen greatness. Her hands of prayer cradle the sickness out of our bodies. Long walks and talks about life and love can bring light to the direction of our lives.
My mother, Anna Bailey, is my hero. She amazes me every day. Such care she takes in her unwavering commitment to keep our family solid. There is strength behind her unstoppable smile, which can coax any clenched fist of bitterness into becoming an extended hand of forgiveness.
It is a work in progress to reach that level of grace; an ongoing exercise in which, every day, goals are set and milestones reached. A mother is a best friend for life — a source of joy, tranquility, patience and knowledge matched only by the quiet legacy of her wisdom. Within each beat of a child’s heart, there is peace in a mother’s love.

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