Thursday, January 16, 2025


June 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

Peace artwork

Honoring those who have given us a life of freedom

Air and water flow freely against all objects in their path. With grace and quiet assertiveness, they can enter worlds undiscovered, zones otherwise isolated from intrusion.

Like these classical elements, our travels to find peace take us over hills, through valleys and past unforeseen obstacles. We must succeed in our pursuit of the peaceful life. The foundation of all happiness, it supplies the liberty that deepens our experiences — traveling to places we’ve never been, speaking to people we’ve never met, dancing to music never-before heard. Our children should be led to live free lives. With confidence, they should explore new cultures, learn new languages, play the piano they always marveled at, ski on mountains that once only facilitated the sunset.

As we celebrate Juneteenth, which marks our ancestors’ final release from slavery in America, the question remains: How are we honoring the freedom they fought for? Are we living lives to please others? Release the negative baggage and live life to the fullest.

On Father’s Day, we celebrate the greatness of the men who gave us life. The strength and protection they provided made our childhood free, allowing us to explore the world. My father, Bob Bailey, inspires my pursuit of excellence. His story of triumph — which took him to some of America’s greatest cities and led him to become the only African-American from Las Vegas to be named among a president’s top advisers — gives me clear direction for living a life of freedom.

Doors will open when you knock — but you must knock. Not passively, but with purpose. Your call must be heard. Living a free life will give you peace!

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