Thursday, January 16, 2025

Black to Life…For a healthier you – Self-examination tips

October 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Highlights

by Dr. Annette Mayes

It is no secret that black women have the highest death rate from breast cancer. One of the leading factors inside this tragic statistic, researchers have found, is a lack of affordable care.
When faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, the first step toward an individual cure is investigating all available options. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization can suggest services and care for the uninsured.
I tell all of my patients that monthly do-it-yourself breast exams can put them ahead of the war against breast cancer.   Because we all know our own bodies best, any irregularities can be disclosed to your doctor prior to a medical examination. This informal breast exam works in conjunction with a regular breast examine by your physician to detect abnormalities in your breast.
These are some self-examination tips, courtesy of Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories:

Raise one arm. With fingers flat, touch every part of the breast, gently feeling for a lump or thickening. Use your right hand to examine your left breast, your left hand for your right breast.

With arms at your sides, then raised above your head, look carefully for changes in the size, shape and contour of each breast. Look for puckering, dimpling or changes in skin texture. Gently squeeze both nipples and look for discharge.

Place a towel or pillow under your right shoulder and your right hand behind your head. Examine your right breast with your left hand.

Fingers flat, press gently in small circles, starting at the outermost top edge of your breast and spiraling in toward the nipple. Examine every part of the breast. Repeat with left breast.

With your arm resting on a firm surface, use the same circular motion to examine the underarm area. Remember, this is breast tissue, too.

This self-exam is not a substitute for periodic examinations by a qualified physician. Together we will make a healthier you!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to support cancer prevention, Dr. Annette Mayes is offering a substantial discount for annual breast and PAP examinations, through Oct. 31. For more information, call  649-0002.


2 Responses to “Black to Life…For a healthier you – Self-examination tips”
  1. Anya Fariss says:

    Awesome post! I will keep an on eye on your blog.

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