Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Peace – Fighting the good fight!

October 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

We all have it within: the wiles to redirect our energies and fight back when unexpected situations threaten our peace.
At this very moment, sisters all over the world are learning that they have breast cancer.
For many of us, the best option is preventative care: going to the doctor and receiving regular mammograms. Every day, check out “the girls” and make sure they are well.
If they are not, before we can muster the energy and face the fear, we sometimes have to enter a silent space.
We look for something or someone to hold on to. Many find refuge in faith, the spiritual basis that serves as our rock, a warm and cozy place that can do away with doubt.
We all have challenges that require some sort of fight to protect and defend our best selves. When faced with breast cancer, how do we maintain internal peace while dealing with questions of mortality?
First, learn all the options for fighting the good fight.
Then …
Get busy: Oh yes, your intimate partner needs to speak up if something doesn’t feel or taste quite right.
Go green: Feed your body with what God has given us organically. Eat or drink the juice of fresh fruit and vegetables, which will rebuild your body and prepare it for the fight of your life.
Remember: You know your body best. Even if doctors and tests can’t identify a problem, trust your instincts to investigate further. Find out what is wrong by any means necessary. Research the best physicians who can give not only treatment for your physical body, but also tender attention to your state of mind. The right doctor will act as a co-pilot, guiding you into a safe landing on a meadow of recovery.
Always emit positive energy — and in turn, the universe will deliver unbelievable magic. Appreciation for your brother, sister and all who surround you provides the momentum to glide past the negative.
Never spend time counting. Spend it collecting those treasured moments that cannot be rushed. Go slowly enough to establish real and lasting connections.
Know that you will make it through. Isn’t that a wonderful feeling? You are envisioning the best outcome and your spirit blooms with the sweet scent of life.

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