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Nevada Public COMPUTER Centers – A conversation with THE LAS VEGAS URBAN LEAGUE

November 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Conversation

Recreational community centers throughout Clark County are now offering more than physical activity to residents of all ages, thanks to the Nevada Public Computer Centers program.
“We are on our way to expanding … from 16 to 29 centers throughout Clark County,” said Jeff Drothler, the Las Vegas Urban League’s program manager for the initiative. “Those interested in the closest location to them can go to our website,”
Funded through a $4.7 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Broadband Technology Opportunities Program grant, the program is administered by the Urban League in partnership with the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority and the City of Las Vegas. The services are free to the public.
With unemployment in Nevada at an estimated 14 percent, the computer centers provide several avenues through which jobless residents can begin finding their way back into the workforce. “Those interested can visit one of our center’s locations and sign in on the registration form at the front desk,” said Christina Clark, a computer trainer at the Stupak Community Center. “If they want to take a computer class, it is there for their convenience with no pressure. We provide an environment that is conducive to learning. We assist with filling out online job applications for people who don’t know where to begin in search for employment opportunities on the Internet. Our slogan is, ‘Connect, Access and Power,’ because technology is the future. We are connecting people with technology so that they are successful and can empower themselves.”
On Oct. 8, the grand opening for another center was at the Doolittle Community Center. It was “a great day for Las Vegas Urban League,” said the organization’s chief executive, Morse Arberry Jr. “The Public Computer Center program represents our collective vision of ensuring that online technology is available to everyone in our community.”


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