Thursday, January 16, 2025

Black to Life… For a Healthier You – A Healthier You Calendar

A Healthier You Calendar

It’s a new year! But is it a new you?

Our mothers, grandmothers and other elders have often instructed us, “If it is broke, fix it, so that you can have a long life.” This is well-meaning advice, but we really don’t want to wait until something breaks to send us hurrying to the doctor’s office, desperate for repairs.

In that spirit, let’s do some new things in 2011 that really demonstrate our commitment to living longer, healthier lives.
It begins with your internal commitment to self and being proactive about good health care. I suggest keeping a “Healthier You” calendar for yourself and those you love most — such as your children, spouse and elderly relatives who may be in your care. Many people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and look better, often for others. Why not make a resolution to feel better for yourself? Eat those foods that can improve blood pressure. Drink more water — which fuels the mind, body and soul. Go to sleep earlier, so that you can be more patient when faced with life’s challenges, and able to wake up earlier in the morning for that all-too-important “me time.”

Your “Healthier You” calendar should have large boxes in which you can mark down those essential, annual medical appointments, which serve as yardsticks of your efforts toward good health. Honor the calendar like you would a contractual agreement; once you write down crucial appointments like pap smears, mammograms, prostate exams, eye checkups and annual physicals, there should be no turning back or missing those appointments.
You might also want to incorporate those things that keep you centered. These may include yoga classes, prayer times, walking or working out at the gym. Many are faced with stresses that can take a toll on personal health; we are trying to beat the clock to make financial ends meet and fulfill the requests of others. But a calendar will serve as a save-the-date reminder for personal health. If you have a consistent pain in your stomach or back, make a date with your doctor and write it down on your calendar to ensure there is time set aside for an appointment.

You matter! You are necessary, and you must believe this in order to fully embrace the gift of life.

You might have reservations about making annual doctor appointments because of a loss of health insurance caused by the loss of employment in this down economy. My suggestion is to speak to your doctor or their representative  and explain your financial situation. You might be surprised by a positive outcome. Good doctors are truly concerned about your well-being, and your good health is always their goal.

Your “Healthier You” calendar will bring a more organized you to the work of accomplishing good health for a lifetime.

Dr. Annette Mayes can be contacted at (702) 649-0002.

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