Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Peace: New Year’s Resolutions

January 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

It is a blessing to be given another year to be the best we can be, to accomplish goals we have only dreamed of reaching.

You can do it! Many may feel challenged by the economic downturn, but that cannot stop us from being more innovative and creative, stretching our personal boundaries to achieve absolute excellence.

Taking control of our emotions is a crucial function in a competitive world. Many may feel that they can perform better in areas where they have found success; what they don’t understand is that their excellence can’t be duplicated, because God is at the helm of the ship sailing toward individual peace. When you tap into your own greatness, peace is the reward.

You might quietly harbor the desire for a new achievement in 2011. Maybe taking classes in an area that you have always wanted to explore or committing to reading at least two new books each month to expand your world view. These are the kind of pursuits that make life wonderful. Let’s not just move through our existence with stale routines and stagnant conversation. Live life with meaningful connections in which we can take pride.

The holiday season brings extra doses of laughter, love and joy. What does it take to sustain those wonderful feelings for humanity after the season ends? You might want to hang up your feelings of judgment and decide to give way to acceptance.

We are all here only for a moment in time, so rejoice in life’s lessons in both good and bad times. “I feel you” should be taken to another level of consciousness, in the form of unconditional love and togetherness. See yourself as part of a collective, as we ride this wave of life together, “feeling” each other the entire way.

Smiling is so contagious, and it can change any environment and hold you up in times of fear. Shake fear’s hand and walk past it into a new year of peace.

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