Thursday, January 16, 2025

PEACE – Conquering your fears

We are all aware when it arrives: the moment we are called to go beyond mediocrity. Merely fitting in, or just “going with the flow,” no longer feels comfortable.
Fear is always an obstacle when the time comes to do something you have never done before. The fear is of being the individual who no longer accepts a mindset that is colored gray, representing a lack of energy or self-acknowledgment — blending into the background of an unprogressive clique. Ripples of “We have no leadership” whip through the community, vibrating off our hearts, minds and lips. Nonetheless, it’s business as usual and we go to church on Sunday.
Everyone has a special gift that enables him/her to step out and step up for “the people.” It might not be in a form that is easily recognizable, but it can be just as powerful. When that call to stand up arrives, it should bring deep honor and peace.
It is a tap on the shoulder from our ancestors, calling us to turn around and lift others toward a higher calling – a calling that assures that your positive work is passed on to create a new generation of heroes, who deserve to inherit a planet in better shape than the one left for us. The drumbeat is heard by few and ignored by many, but peace is found in the mission to pursue righteousness.

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