Saturday, September 7, 2024

PEACE – A Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is easily defined as the love a mother gives to others.
This Mother’s Day, mothers need a reminder to give a little of that love back to themselves. Taking that special moment as a mother to give some care, patience, love and attention is a gift worth more then gold.
Sometimes, guilt might overwhelm many mothers, who steal a little love and attention for themselves — especially when they have been conditioned to constantly look after others. Nonetheless, peace can be found if they take that special quiet time, family time, girlfriend time or party time for themselves.
Mother’s Day can come more than once a year, taking a day to celebrate the grandeur of motherhood, a much-deserved honor. Immerse yourself in the pleasures of wonderful thoughts and moments. Whether it is listening to your favorite music or reliving wonderful memories preserved in photographs or videos, this is your “do you” time.
Your instinctive love and wise words are the glue that seals your family together. A mother’s beautiful smile and warm hugs serve as humanity’s emotional fuel. All conflicts can be solved with wise, motherly direction. So, use the power of your love, as a mother, to discover your individual peace.

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