Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PEACE – I am a survivor!

September 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

What does it mean to be a survivor? Can we find peace once we survive situations in our lives that demand courage under fire? We all survive in many ways in order to reach our day-to-day goals, but it can be an added struggle when a tremendous situation is placed before us that tests our faith and trust.

Many want to survive because they fear alternatives or the unknown. Staying on track with what you know — as it relates to your daily activities, family, career and life — is comforting. But the universe might have a plan for us that is different than what we have for ourselves. We may bang on its door asking for a redirection in life, which some are granted and others are not. Those who receive it are called survivors. The fight was won! You looked your situation square in the eye and took on the responsibility to change the course. The human experience celebrates and rewards those who find the strength to make it through when faced with unfortunate situations.

Maxims such as “it’s a long road to travel” and “no mountain too high” reinforce the thought that “the will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.” The debate might be in the word “survivor.” Is it only in the direction of a person’s “wants” that one is applauded as a survivor? Or can we also be looked upon survivors when we are detoured? The answer is in the peace that is found. Are you at peace with your situation even when it doesn’t turn out the way you had hoped?

The mind is the end game from the soul. When our heart transmits peace, the mind will do away with anxieties and fear. The fight is always good, but the door of opportunity is to find the richness in life every day before you are asked to enter the ring.

The sky is always blue and the roses still bloom, awaiting your enjoyment. Life’s reality today — and every day — is the blessing. Keeping up the fight against doubt and despair will silence negative thoughts of the unknown, then your true image in the mirror will ring out “survivor” — in silent, internal grace.

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