Monday, January 13, 2025

PEACE – Thank You

September 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

By Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

The words “thank you” bring so much peace.

Living life day-to-day, we can grow critical of those things we see as unjust, or the negative ways that others make us feel.

Living a life of thanks brings you closer to the higher power. No matter what comes before you, if you start the day’s movement with thanks, it will open your eyes to all your blessings.

You can experience blessings from many things — such as from a friend’s smile or the blessings from a stranger who allowed you to take your desired parking space. The blessings will rain upon you when you look at the world through the window of gratitude. Even when someone has hurt you, the blessing is found in the lesson that was taught in that moment. When we speak the words “thank you,” the person or space we say it in will usually respond with, “You are welcome.”

This opens the door of humanity, and love will shower upon you. Humbling and stepping away from ourselves brings such a light of peace, that your day, week and year will begin turning around in a positive direction.

Call it karma or the Lord — it is always good to give thanks, and a thankful life will be the reward. Your family is such a wonderful blessing, along with all the other wonders the universe has bestowed upon you.

Cherish the times of true fellowship and open your heart without judgment. Life is so delicate, and can be broken without the protection of thanks. Hope is the mother who gives birth to thankfulness. That better day is today. You claim it upon your awakening, and peace will be found in a heart that is full of thanks.

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