Monday, January 13, 2025

BLACK TO LIFE – For A Healthier You: Love heals

By Dr. Annette Mayes

During the holidays, we spend considerable time and energy finding the perfect gifts for loved ones.

Dr. Annette Mayes

In this season, especially, it is also important to remember that the almighty power of love is the gift that soothes the soul. In some cases, it can even save a life.

We should never take the power of love for granted, or fail to show it when given the opportunity to demonstrate concern and compassion. In our daily lives, we all have the power to benefit another person’s well-being.
There may be elderly relatives, perhaps in assisted-living facilities, whose deepest desire this holiday season is to receive a personal visit. This gives you the chance to share some connecting conversation, a personal touch from the heart. Staying connected with our senior loved ones can boost their personal happiness, and may help prolong their life spans.

Researchers have also found that the power of human touch can soothe an ailing body. Acts of intimacy have been said to release endorphins that reverse symptoms of depression and stress. The loving touch of a mother’s hand on her newborn, even those suffering the effects of premature birth or perinatal illness, can, in many cases, give the baby added strength for life.

There may be a close friend or relative who depends on medication to stay alive or preserve quality of life. If they face challenges keeping track of those medicines, your act of love might be providing reminders that help maintain their health.

As women, we all need to help each other stay mindful of the importance of yearly mammograms, as a preventative act against breast cancer.

There is no better gift than the power of love. This holiday season and beyond, it is important for us to remember that our acts of love can heal.

For more information, call and make an appointment with Dr. Annette Mayes (OB-GYN) at the Las Vegas All Women’s Health Center at 702-522-9640.

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