Thursday, January 16, 2025

FOOD FOR THE SOUL: Sweetness in my Sweet Potatoes

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Food

Recipe by Executive Celebrity Chef DOMINIQUE SOLOMON

Savvy, animated and altruistic, celebrity chef Dominique Solomon is making people take notice in the world of culinary arts. Her client list and résumé reads like an E! Network primetime lineup, with names like Michael Jackson, Lamar Odom, Khloe Kardashian, Charlie Sheen and Alicia Keys listed among those who have sought her expertise in the kitchen.

Solomon founded Incredible Chef Productions out of her passion for natural health and beauty. A career as a chef to the stars has given her a platform to share knowledge as a culinary artist and health advocate. She understands that many people desire to live healthy lives, and her mission is to be a resource for those seeking counsel on how to achieve better health.

ICP sets itself apart by providing innovative products, the latest information and deep online resources to promote healthier lifestyles for everyone. We all have the potential to be the best we can be, and ICP strives to help guide the self-improvement process with a little fun and style in the mix!
For more information, visit

Serves 3 to 4

1 to 1 1/2 pounds large sweet potatoes
3 to 4 shallots, peeled, ends trimmed and halved lengthwise
2 cloves fresh garlic, chopped
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tablespoon Crazy Cajun spice
Sea salt and fresh smoked ground black pepper to taste
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Preheat the oven to 375F. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into bite-sized chunks. Place in a 9×13-inch glass baking dish. Add shallots to baking dish and drizzle with two to three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Toss gently with a wooden spoon to avoid breaking up shallots. Season generously with salt, pepper and Cajun Crazy spice, then sprinkle with cayenne pepper. Toss gently again to spread seasonings as evenly as possible.

Place baking dish on middle rack in oven and roast 40 to 55 minutes, stirring gently a couple of times. Twenty minutes into the roasting process, add the chopped garlic and continue roasting until sweet potatoes are tender and slightly browned. The sweet potatoes may absorb a bit of the olive oil and appear to be drying out; just drizzle with some more oil before tossing them. Bon Appetit!


Executive Celebrity Chef Dominique Solomon shares the natural sweetness in her sweet potatoes.

I am a huge fan of sweet potatoes done right! A very flavorful recipe involves taking advantage of the vegetable’s natural sweetness by roasting them with shallots, rosemary, garlic and cayenne pepper.

This combination creates a harmoniously natural, and sweet and savory side dish that not only packs a satisfying kick, but maintains a subtle overall savory quality. The roasted shallots add a nice bite, while delivering a little sweetness of their own. Garlic and rosemary further temper the sweetness of the dish. Cayenne pepper gives it a beautiful dimension, with a nice spicy finish.

Sweet potatoes also happen to be a natural nutritional superstar, one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world. They’re loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They may help fight cancer and heart disease, as well as diseases related to inflammation — such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. And although they’re called sweet, they’re actually very low in sugar, and have been demonstrated to help regulate blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

With all that natural goodness, it’s no wonder this dish is completely irresistible!


6 Responses to “FOOD FOR THE SOUL: Sweetness in my Sweet Potatoes”
  1. Mainda Thomas says:

    Wow I have been waiting to see someone like Chef Dominique on the scene, who’ve I met at the American Heart Association Event this year! She is so warm and genuine just a gem! I look forward to seeing allot more of her!

    Malinda Brown

  2. Candice Shutter says:


  3. Tanya Harding says:

    I Love it and I will be sure to Try this recipe!

  4. Candice Moore says:

    You made this for me and my crew, And we loved it! You go girl! I’m so proud of you!

  5. Shirlanda says:

    This is a fabulous recepie, however several months back, I had the pleasure of enjoying her turkey burger and it is truly out of this world. It was the most succulent burger I’ve ever tasted. When most people think about turkey burgers, they assume that the burger will be dry and flavorless…not this one. The burger has that ‘WOW’ factor. If you ever feature her work again, please, please get this recepie!

  6. Sonya Mendez says:

    I am looking forward to the next recipe!

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