Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Health care advocates to present series of free women’s health forums

Dr. Annette Mayers

In conjunction with Las Vegas Black Image Magazine, Las Vegas All Women’s Care is thrilled to host the first in a series of women’s health forums. The forums will feature several health care practitioners, including myself, who will address a variety of topics on women’s health, including breast cancer, cardiac care, sexually transmitted diseases and mental health issues.

The events are free to the public, with the inaugural edition taking place March 17 at Victory Missionary Baptist Church, 500 W. Monroe Ave.

With March marking the annual commemoration of Women’s History Month, we are stressing the importance of knowing one’s family medical history so that individuals can be empowered to make informed, proactive decisions about personal health care.

The plain truth is that many diseases are hereditary; with ailments such as diabetes, cancer, heart problems and high blood pressure, it is important to develop healthy habits that can help you avoid problems that may have been passed down through your family tree. For example, if family members have suffered from diabetes, it is wise to control your own sugar intake. Obesity also is a launching pad for poor health, as excess weight can put stress on the body that could result in a weakened immune system. Taking control and making positive health choices will decrease your chances of contracting diseases that have affected your relatives.

We look forward to interacting with you at the March 17 event to share information that leads to positive health practices. For more information, call 702-615-8216. To make an appointment for a checkup at Las Vegas All Women’s Care, call 702-522-9640.

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