Thursday, January 16, 2025

Peace Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

by Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

As you look into the mirror each day, the reflection you see is clear to some and unclear to others.

You are the embodiment of what God planned for you to be. Still, we try to live up to the expectations of what society deems normal, while balancing the reality of our own consciousness. Let’s just start by saying, simply, “I’m OK.”

You are made in the likeness of the most high, an honor given at birth. When we honor ourselves for our divinely bestowed talents and characteristics, we approach the world with a loving attitude. Like precious jewels, we are nearly impossible to destroy as we pursue hopes and dreams on a brighter path.

As Stevie Wonder sings it, “Love is in need of love today.” Our first step toward internal peace is the love we give to ourselves.

There is divinity in every living thing on the planet. Even when taking alternate paths to self-discovery, it is still important to seek refuge in love. Even in times of discomfort, uneasiness, anger and misplaced judgment, there is no need for apologies. Remember: this world, and the life that accompanies it, are given unconditionally. There is a beginning — and no matter what you do — there will be an end. With the time you’re given, honor thyself with love and care.

You are a representative of all your experiences. You can model the good and bad moments in time; but while traveling through the life you were given, take control and collect the great moments you have experienced.

Hold tight. Not to the moments that society deems worthy, but those times that bring true happiness. Peace is found as you salute yourself.

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