Community: To Our Mothers
May 3, 2012 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Community, Photos
Photos taken at performance of “The Color Purple” at the Smith Center

"My mom is my best friend, Mothers Day means everything to me." Evelyn Beals and Janice Johnson

"I love you Mom!" Elisa Lawhorn and Wanda Lawhorn

"We love you Mom!" Kim Tari Fortson, Bettye Fortson and Tonya Fortson

Anna Louise Bailey will be honored May 24 by the Rainbow Dreams Educational Foundation during its annual Movement Program to be held at the West Las Vegas Library Theatre. According to the academy, "We have been blessed by the Bailey family's generosity to have this event named after their matriarch, Anna Louise Bailey. There will be a special presentation to Mrs. Bailey for her contributions to the performing arts as a professional dancer and in recognition of the Baileys' support to the Rainbow Dreams Academy." For more information, call (702) 255-3001.