Saturday, September 7, 2024

Celebrating Fathers

The celebration of Father’s Day is a time to reflect on the love, protection and wisdom that these special men — who have been with us our entire lives — have given for the sole purpose of ensuring that we can go further. Their seeds of care have blossomed within us, nourished by the warmth of an exclusive bond.

Our life’s journey has many windows. Some are foggy because of our reluctance to establish clearer vision. Still, I find myself still wanting to see through the picture-perfect windows I remember as a child, when my father hugged me so tight that I knew I was his special little girl.

Now, the window has gotten foggier, and I struggle to see my daddy as the man I knew as a child. The man who would pick me up and throw me in the air (I can fly!). Laughter would ring through the house and everything stood still. Time passes now without my permission, and my father holds its hand as the ticking grows louder. Age is illness’ companion, and they synchronize in ways become more difficult to accept. “My wonderful father! A special man!” — I scream it to the world. I stand in defiance against what keeps my daddy away from the life he once knew.

Today, I say, “We will make a new life now, daddy.” One filled with memories and an abundance of love. Life holds its door wider; now we can walk in together. Conversations are slower, but still ordained by God. I can hear every syllable.

Family is the jewel that you fought for, polished and placed upon our hearts. Never to be broken, forever strengthened by every ray of sunlight welcomed as the embodiment of a timeless blessing. You have placed so many gifts on my heart, helping build character that allows me to be a teacher, yet never cease learning. The love and respect you have always given my mother brings me the peace of knowing that, as you’ve always assured, “everything will be alright.”

I have cleaned that cloudy window and embraced the legacy. The possibilities remain, and I thank God for opening my heart to continue living, loving and enjoying life with my father.

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