Tuesday, September 10, 2024

WISE WORDS Words of wisdom from the men at the Doolittle Senior Center

by Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

In celebration of Father’s Day, Las Vegas Black Image Magazine visited the Doolittle Senior Center to ask community elders for answers to some of the most pressing questions facing young black men today.

Cleo Dawson is 85-years-old and retired from his 20-year position at the Flamingo Hilton hotel and casino. He has five children. As for grandchildren? “Too many to count.”

What advice would you give to young fathers?
Honesty is one of the key ingredients to being a good father. Being compassionate to others will take you far.

What is your secret for good health?
Don’t worry about something you can’t do anything about — and don’t worry about something that hasn’t happened. Try to keep your mind focused on the positive things.

What would you say to new young fathers?
You must remember that when you plant the seed, you have to reap the harvest. There are things in life you must do to be in tune with the world.

How can a young man make it in the world today?
I would suggest that you stay in school. Learn something that you are good at, and can keep doing, (it) in your 20’s — and in your 60’s.

Words of wisdom?
Look toward the future, don’t look back at the past. Work toward the future, because you are not going to be 20 years of age forever.

Robert Valentine is a father of four children, who are now all successful adults. He is retired from the military, taught school for 13 years and was a general contractor.

What is your advice for conflict resolution?

Think before you react. Whatever conflict you encounter, don’t be a follower — because followers lose. Your peers and friends might let you down in the long run. It doesn’t matter what others think or say.

How can you find happiness and peace?
If you can’t love and respect yourself, you will never be happy. If you are hunting for happiness, it is never going to happen. You have to be happy with who you are because most people don’t want you to succeed.

Words of wisdom?
Don’t use the word “friend” too lightly. Leave your hometown and go away to college when your time comes. There is a big world out there, and a few months can change your whole attitude about life.

Abdul Shabazz, 57, is owner and operator of Mobile Denture Lab.

How does a man become a man?
First, we must start by defining man as mind. The beginning or development of a man is in the mind, not the physical self, but the mental development of responsibility. When you know thyself — your soul and your mind — life’s complications can be handled.

How does one fix financial problems?
Financial problems start when you don’t know how to count. Knowing thyself and knowing how to count are the two legs for a human being to stand on.

How does a man get ahead?

I would say that knowing is more important than education. One can be educated, but not know. The natural universal structure is the natural order of all bodies of knowledge. The natural universal order for a man is the ability to be able to think.

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