Monday, January 13, 2025

Peace Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

by Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

You Are Not Alone

There is comfort in knowing you are not alone.

In the unfolding of human history, civilization itself has been built on a foundation of interdependence. We rely on one another. The grass can’t stay green on its own; water is also essential to its health and survival.

We sometimes slip into moments of solitude, often a means of reflecting, without interruption or interference, on our perspectives of life and self. This is natural, and many wounds are healed during times of isolation.

Even in private time, it warms the spirit to know that friends and family are never too far away to care. Hold on to that feeling in good and difficult times. Be thankful that you are embraced by God first — and all others who have helped on your journey. It is always wonderful to encounter someone who has a halo of peace around them; their inner security so deep, that only love and respect is showered upon others. This is the purification of self, the place we should all strive for.

Reach out to those who bring you peace, and tell them they are needed in good times and bad. Humility is a characteristic of kings and queens, and self-knowledge is a place of true relief. Embrace it, and prepare for any journey life has challenged you to take.

Always remember the wonderful love and support that is there to soothe the soul. Go to that place each day, and cuddle with thoughts of unconditional love. Draw the deep breaths that raise strength from within, then prepare to face the world’s reality with your newly-energized center of peace.

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