Tuesday, January 14, 2025

‘Enlisting Heroes’, the Caesars way

March 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Conversation

by Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

Group photos of veterans and Caesars personnel.

With Caesars Enlisting Heroes, the world’s premier gaming company is looking for more than a few good men and women: Caesars Entertainment is launching its new employment initiative by offering more than 300 job opportunities to veterans of the United States armed forces. To learn more about the initiative, Las Vegas Black Image recently sat down with Fred Keeton, the company’s vice president of external affairs and chief diversity officer, and Eloise Scavella, vice president of employment and training.

Fred Keeton

Can you describe the Caesars Enlisting Heroes initiative?
This is an opportunity to specifically target and  directly engage highly capable veterans of the United States military. We are going beyond what one typically sees, and expects, when companies  talk about  recruiting and  hiring  veterans.  Caesars Entertainment’s leadership is energized and fully engaged in pursing this concentrated effort to seek out and hire veteran talent.

Why is Caesars Entertainment so committed to hiring veterans?
Scavella: This employment initiative is very important to us, because (like) the military, Caesars Entertainment is also a large and diversified organization. We at Caesars Entertainment have a code of commitment that governs everything that we do, just like the military. So, launching the  Caesars Enlisting Heroes program allows us to expose our veterans to career opportunities available at Caesars Entertainment. We want to help our veterans launch new lives as they re-enter the civilian population. Caesars welcomes our veterans into our workforce: They have the skills, aptitude, abilities and knowledge to succeed, which has already been proven by their military careers.

Keeton: Caesars Entertainment understands, along with the  rest of the country, the importance of being receptive and supportive of our veterans, who do so much for us in a very complex world that throws all kinds of threats at the United States on a constant basis. Caesars knows that the kind of talent it takes to manage those global issues is also very important in an organization like ours. Companies talk all the time about attracting and retaining talent.  At Caesars we agree; but like the military, we have to go further.  We also want to fully optimize that talent. We create an inclusive and engaged environment at Caesars Entertainment, where talented employees can thrive.

Eloise Scavella

Scavella: Our veterans bring certain qualities that a corporation looks for in every employee: honor, courage, loyalty, leadership, accountability, drive and education. Veterans who are interested in joining the Caesars Entertainment family are not limited to just our Nevada hotel properties. These job opportunities are transportable, and veterans who are considered for employment placement have the opportunity to work at any of our 40 properties across the United States. We are having our Caesars Enlisting Heroes job fair on March 21. More information can be obtained at our website, Caesars.com/enlistingheroes.

Keeton: Caesars Enlisting Heroes is about attracting, retaining and optimizing veteran talent.  Caesars Entertainment’s level of passion for this is evidenced in our Code of Commitment, which drives how we view  employment opportunities across the enterprise. Our Caesars Enlisting Heroes  initiative will be executed so that it is  not only actionable,  scalable and measurable, but most importantly sustainable.  Military veterans can count on this to be the first step in providing them meaningful long term career opportunities at Caesars Entertainment.


One Response to “‘Enlisting Heroes’, the Caesars way”
  1. Denise DeFelice says:

    Hi, I read your article in the Atlantic City Press and I applaud you for helping the veterans population. I am 63 and underemployed and a veteran. You would think the job network in Atlantic City would be huge but it is not. Most employers here are NOT veteran-aware and don’t care about the skills we have or maybe the just are uninformed. I have been in the music industry for 30 years and supplement my income with gigs but I would love to have a full-time job. I work 2 days a week for the county who ARE veteran conscious and I love it but most folks today cannot survive on a 2 day a week paycheck. I would love to work at Caesars Atlantic City just to show the public that we can move mountains because that is how we were trained ….. with your tax dollars Sincerely Denise DeFelice Black

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