Monday, January 13, 2025

Woman of note

Nicole Lise, right, with her mother, Délice.

In an open letter to her accomplished mother, Délice, Nicole Lise sends good wishes for a special day.

Throughout the years, I have watched you meet every personal, professional and emotional challenge with grace and faith. In addition to working and taking care of Pop, Maurice and me, you pursued a second master’s degree, volunteered for numerous charitable organizations, headed a nonprofit, served your church and always remained a dedicated friend to many. If I can only accomplish half as much as you have, I will consider myself a great success!

You worked incredibly hard in order for your children to have so many extras — like travel, sleepaway camp, music classes and even horseback riding lessons! But we also had what was most important: a wonderful home with parents who loved and supported us. You did everything possible to make sure we had that.

There really are not enough words to adequately express how much I love you and how irreplaceable you are to me. I am so proud to be your daughter, and to know my best qualities come from you.

I wish you much joy and happiness this Mother’s Day and pray that I will have you for many more to come!

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