Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Partner up for your next appointment


For information about examinations, please contact the Las Vegas All Women’s Care offices at (702) 522-9640, or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane No. 165 (1st floor) in Las Vegas.

Very often, my female patients come alone to the offices of Las Vegas All Women’s Care. This is not surprising; historically, women make their regular OB/GYN appointments without their husbands or significant others, who may not even receive a report on what was discussed or discovered during the visit.

As it relates to health care, maintaining an informational partnership can be a positive force in sustaining good health. Coping with the concerns of one’s personal health can be a stressful experience, and having the involvement of a significant other can be invaluable in terms of emotional support.

That’s why I encourage all of my patients to not only make their regular OB/GYN appointments, but to also alert their mates in time to bring them along. In particular, expectant mothers should involve the fathers of their unborn children in prenatal medical care. Questions about pregnancy are not exclusive to women; fathers-to-be may have also have important questions that only an OB/GYN can answer effectively.

Men may wonder about the effects of pregnancy on their mates — and how they should respond to the physical and psychological issues caused by the hormonal changes that come with expecting a child. Sexual intercourse is also a concern for many couples, who have serious questions about the effects of sexual activity on unborn children.

Whatever your situation, bringing a partner to your next OB/GYN appointment can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy household.

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