Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Making a big difference

Organization works to assist victims of domestic violence



Nevada reportedly has the nation’s highest rate of domestic violence homicide. Longtime Las Vegas resident Leatha Hubbard’s newly formed nonprofit organization is setting out to reverse that sad statistic — by reaching out to those most directly affected by it.

That organization, Silent Whispers, is committed to purchasing transportation, food vouchers and hygiene packets for victims and survivors of domestic violence.

“Our target demographic for the Silent Whispers organization are African-Americans and Hispanics,” said Hubbard. “But a victim is a victim — and roles have changed, and we have to include domestic partnerships as well. We cater to anyone who is a victim of domestic violence.”

It is the goal of the organization to provide victims of domestic violence a way to escape the abuse, and provide emergency transportation and temporary housing for those in need.

“We have a 24- to 48-hour window for the victim who is referred to us in a dire need to get out of town. We purchase the airline tickets for them and their children, and reunite them with their ‘trusted’ family members,” said Hubbard. “We have been endorsed by the North Las Vegas Police Department, and after they assess the situation, they bring victims to our organization. My dream for Silent Whispers is that airlines would commit to providing funding for airline tickets for victims of domestic violence — which is the quickest and safest mode of transportation for victims. It would be a blessing to be able to pick up the phone and make the airline arrangements for victims to be transported to safe ground.”

For additional information, the Silent Whispers 24-hour hotline can be reached at (702) 518-HEAL (4325) or (702) 349-6291. Donations can be made online at SilentWhispers.com

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