Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Beauty You Create


I take great pleasure in sharing with you a reaffirmation of the beauty that lies within all of us. Whether natural, enhanced or created, beauty is a demonstration of self-love — which in turn acts as a foundation strong enough to support all you do.

Advancements in the beauty industry have empowered consumers to take greater control of their external appearance. Popularized on such shows as “Dr. Oz,” personal health education has positioned millions for better awareness of healthier eating and living choices that produce better physical appearance.

It is true that, “You are what you eat.” It is equally essential to be aware that, also, “You are what you think” — especially how you think of yourself.

If you want to regain the excitement about yourself when you look into the mirror, it’s not too late. There are so many creative choices available to you. For example: the desire for longer, more manageable hair is attainable. You can now shop for your own hair extensions without relying on stylists to make choices that are not easily reversed once applied.

All-natural hair weaves are best in order to maintain a healthy scalp. Natural virgin hair for purchase comes to the United States from India, Malaysia, Peru and Brazil.

Hot summer weather might also call for a hair “timeout,” during which you can braid your hair to encourage growth and wellness. Applying a manageable, all-natural hair weave opens up a wealth of opportunities for summer makeovers that allow for participation in summertime water activities without the worry of a bad hair day.

Don’t ever fear that applying hair extensions means that you somehow feel badly about your appearance. It is more about enhancing your look and having fun with a “new you.” Life is to be enjoyed with great looks and an even better attitude. Feeling wonderful about yourself — inside and out — brings positive energy your way.

Always remember: the beauty inside is what you create.

For more information call, Tonsure Hair at (702) 754-4247 or go online to

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