Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Beauty You Create!

August 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Extra, Feature


There is no better time to feel beautiful than when you are spending quality time with your closest girlfriends.

These are the times we remember most: sharing wonderful conversations, laughing until tears drop from our eyes. “Girl power” can be electrifying, encouraging and uplifting. It can also be informative; the best beauty secrets and advice are often passed on by our most trusted confidants.

As we nourish our beauty from the inside out, positive hormones flood our bodies — bringing happy feelings that soothe the soul, bring glimmer to hair and skin, and do wonders for overall quality of life. A healthy glow is often associated with romantic love, but delightful times with close friends can be equally rewarding.

As women, we have so many things in common. Sharing hopes for life and beauty is a very common form of bonding. When trying something different — such as cutting your hair, changing its color or even adding some — girlfriends are often the first responders. They offer encouragement and support for new looks, providing validation that lets us dare to be beautiful.

Self-empowering changes in physical appearance also can come with changes to external fashion. For example, those who regularly wear dark colors can achieve an instant makeover by switching to brighter ones. The same is true for hair color. The bloom is up to you!

Enhancements to your personal appearance should only be ignited by your own purposeful decision — something that you (and only you) can commit to for your enjoyment. Life is beautiful, and we should all step into it with joy. Working toward personal satisfaction about yourself is a significant step toward the beauty you create.

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