Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Beauty You Create!

October 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Beauty, Extra

Giving the gift of beauty


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a yearly reminder that a healthy you is a beautiful you.

Teamwork is the key! Find yourself a “buddy,” and be sure to remind each other to go and get your annual mammograms. It makes me feel wonderful to know I am doing the right things to stay healthy, and encouraging my fellow sisters to do the same.

One of the most beautiful things we do as human beings is to connect with one another, because it feeds the heart and soul. Tonsure Hair can be a special place to visit with a friend who may be experiencing hair loss because of breast cancer treatment. Your girlfriend time can be spent trying on the best natural hair available anywhere. It can be that necessary gift for someone to feel better at a challenging time, to have a full head of virgin natural hair any time she desires it.

We must always be willing to indulge in wonderful moments that elicit smiles of joy. In order to look better, we must first feel better — so it is really the internal makeover that enhances your external appearance.

Giving is one of the most beautiful things we do as human beings. Let’s reveal those beauty secrets that really shouldn’t be kept concealed. We can all share in the joys of looking and feeling good.

I love seeing and hearing about people giving and supporting one another; it truly creates the beauty in our world. I make a point in my daily life to see to the needs of those around me, and if it’s within my power or means to make a difference in their day, week or month, I do it!

For more information about Tonsure Hair Boutique and Alesia Prentiss, call 702-754-4247.

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