Finding the strength within
November 6, 2013 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Highlights, Peace
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will — we reach.
The reach is intended to catch that little bit of comfort we need now and in a hurry. But everything is in slow motion, ensuring that we don’t miss a second of the pain filling our bodies. We become immobilized by the ache, from the tip of our toes to our last strand of hair — freezing us in the moment we receive the worst news imaginable.
Finding our center becomes difficult, as it is camouflaged in a thick forest of grief. The words we try to speak lie dormant at the bottom of our tongues. Voices whisper to our minds: “Get it together. You are strong.” From the pit of our bellies, we cry, “God, you said you would never leave me! Where are you?”
Questions rock our soul, and we immediately picture times that would bring triple the pain we are feeling now.
Silence your spirit, and confront the situation as just another hill to climb. No matter what is on the other side, the courageous blood within has been properly prepared.
Jumpstart your will. Now, rest and rest some more — until the warmth of a new day delivers new hope. Accept the strength to face a moment once interpreted as doom. It has been there all along, and you can seize it from any position. Doing so brings forth unbelievable light, allowing you to see beyond the present circumstances.
Remember, you embraced the ability to heal a long time ago. Maybe when you lost that needed job, faced the death of a loved one or said goodbye to the love of your life.
That’s how we learn that God is in all of us. The answer to your question is, “He’s right here.”