Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Beauty You Create!

December 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Beauty

This holiday season, spruce up your style!


Often, the holidays bring heavy pressure to express love with the giving of material things. Indeed, there is joy to be found in locating the perfect gifts for loved ones — and it all seems worth it when we get those hugs and kisses of thanks on Christmas morning.

What about you? In the hustle and bustle of the season, make sure that Santa doesn’t leave you off the list. You have worked hard all year, and there is nothing wrong with taking a little time for yourself. These are the times to pay special attention to ourselves and those things that bring us quality of life.

Instead of walking quickly through the department store on your way to the men’s section, take a moment to stop. Smell the enticing perfume that tickled your senses as you rushed by. Take that chair at the cosmetics counter and get a fresh, new makeover that enhances your natural beauty.

A new and wonderful look is also very exciting, and Tonsure Hair would love the opportunity to give you one: Short, long, sassy, bold or wild!

Remember: the gift you give to yourself brings joy to the heart and radiates the skin. Happiness is the best vitamin for beauty. Want your skin, hair, nails, body and mind to be beautiful? Try gifting yourself some happiness this Christmas. Whatever makes you happy, do it!

For more information about Tonsure Hair Boutique and Alesia Prentiss, call 702-754-4247.

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