Saturday, September 7, 2024

Black To Life… For A Healthier You

September 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Health, Highlights

Healthy habits can start in the womb


For information about examinations, please contact the Las Vegas All Women’s Care offices at (702) 522-9640, or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane No. 165 (1st floor) in Las Vegas.

Many expectant mothers may not be aware that healthy eating and lifestyle habits can help ensure the longer-term health of an unborn child — and in some cases, even prevent childhood obesity. Perhaps it is no coincidence that September is both Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and Fruits & Veggies-More Matters Month.
Along with taking a proactive approach to prenatal medical care, new mothers and mothers-to-be should be extra-conscious of what they are eating. Consuming more fruits and vegetables, and maintaining a well-balanced diet, is said to lower the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancers. Only 1 in 3 adults eat the recommended amount of fruits every day; a mere 1 in 4 eat the recommended amount of vegetables. It makes intuitive sense that a mother’s diet during pregnancy should also affect fetal development and birth weight, but evidence for this is inconsistent. Still, studies have shown that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to individuals’ propensity to put on excess weight.
Three modifiable prenatal factors appear to shape fetal nutrition and health later in life: a mother’s smoking habits, weight gain and blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Numerous studies indicate that women who smoke during pregnancy increase their unborn child’s risk of childhood obesity by 50%.
Make healthy foods more accessible by having more fruits and vegetables — and very importantly, water — within arm’s reach. Your child will thank you.
The Las Vegas All Women’s Care is here to educate and prepare you and your newborn for healthy prenatal care.

For additional information, contact the Las Vegas All Women’s Care offices at (702) 522-9640. Or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane No. 165 (1st floor) in Las Vegas.

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