Saturday, September 7, 2024

‘You have to put in the work’

Enterprising People Business Radio Talk presents


Coach Otis Tanner with client Cheryl, who is 75 years young.

In our annual celebration of the blessings in our lives, millions and millions of Americans will mark Thanksgiving by indulging in an assortment of their favorite foods. Fortunately for Las Vegas, there is no shortage of physical fitness facilities where people can shed the unwanted pounds brought on by all of those edible delights. On the historic Westside, 39-year-old Otis Tanner — popularly known as Coach O — can frequently be found at Doolittle or Pearson Community Center, helping people maximize their exercise regimen. Las Vegas Black Image Magazine caught up with Coach O to discuss his unique approach to the business of staying healthy.

How long have you been a physical trainer?

I am a native of Las Vegas, and have been training people since I was playing football. My football teammates would come to me to help them get in shape. I started helping people train when I was a student at Valley High School.

When did you start training people professionally?

It was 2007 because I got back into playing professional football with the UFL Team in Vegas called the Locomotives. I first started training myself, and the UFL team sent me an invitation to try out for them. I played defensive back.

What is the first thing one should do when trying to get back into physical shape?

For me, it was building muscle endurance. My training was different for other people because I was already an athlete. Everyone’s physical training is different, and based on the physical condition of your body.

What do you do at the Pearson and Doolittle Community Centers?

I have clients that I meet at the community centers and some pay me and some don’t. I try to help show people how to work on the exercise equipment properly, because there are a lot of seniors there in the mornings. I give them free advice. And when my clients show up for their sessions, we go into our exercise regimens. I professionally train young and older individuals, and it all about staying healthy.

How many clients do you service?

Currently, I train 15 to 20 people daily.

What is the true formula for losing unwanted weight?

Some people say that its 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I honestly know that there is no percentage … Everyone’s body is different, and people lose weight in different ways. It is very important that you eat healthy and you already know what you eat that is putting the extra pounds on you. You must put the work in to reach your healthy weight goal. You have to eat healthy, but you must get into the gym and sweat and work through the muscle pain while your body is tearing down the fat and rebuilding your muscle.

So, what is your suggestion for weight loss?

My clients who want to lose weight eat one healthy meal a day and have replacement meal smoothie shakes. I encourage them to add ice and fruit and or vegetables to their meal replacement shakes.

What is the difference between juicing to lose weight and drinking a meal replacement shake to lose weight?

The meal replacement shakes will sustain appetite control better than having just a juiced fruit or vegetable drink. If you have just a juice drink you might find yourself feeling fatigued throughout the day and wanting to eat something to gain energy. Juicing is a great way to receive nutrition, but you might need more to satisfy your body. I suggest adding the meal replacement powder to your juice drink to receive the benefits of both. If you keep with this plan, you will feel better. I have had a lot of clients who have type 2 diabetes, and after staying on my program they are no longer on diabetic medication.

How should we maintain our eating and weight during Thanksgiving and the Holidays?

What you can do now is start working out, and you have Thanksgiving Day to cheat on your eating program. You know that many will cheat because it is Thanksgiving. But after Thanksgiving — a day or two later — get back to your healthy eating habits. Exercise and prepare for Christmas. Everyone will eat during the holidays, but don’t overeat. Just eat until you are satisfied.

What is the biggest misconception about losing weight?

A lot of people don’t exercise after they lose the weight. I say this because I have some clients who were initially 290 and over 300 pounds and lost the unwanted weight and were unhappy. The individuals were older people who… were unaware that they would have sagging skin that didn’t tighten back up on their body. They did not like the way their body looked in the mirror, and told me they were unhappy with the way their bodies looked. But their physical health was better, and when someone is older the skin does not tighten back up. This is why many receive cosmetic surgery who can afford it. Many h

Coach Otis Tanner with client Cheryl, who is 75 years young.

ealth insurance plans do not cover the cost for cosmetic surgery once someone loses weight.

For many this is a socioeconomic issue.

Yes, exactly and they sometimes put the weight back on so that they don’t have the saggy skin. I try to encourage them to not to worry about the saggy skin, because their health has improved and they will have a healthier life.

For more information about Coach O and his services call (702) 706-7686.

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