Thursday, January 16, 2025

Black talking heads are making mine hurt

November 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Community



To observe the sad state of black leadership in America, all one has to do is tune in to any cable or network show on any given Sunday.

The primary reason is the total disconnect between two distinct demographics: six-figure income, educated blacks who hold celebrity positions in America, and the lot in life of the masses of poor and uneducated African-Americans.

National Urban League President/CEO Marc Morial, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, Ben Carson and the fools who grow more ridiculous each week — Tavis Smiley and Cornel West — are among the biggest offenders.

They all seem oblivious to the fact that they are powerless to make any real and meaningful difference in the lives of people of color. None of them has the political clout or financial wherewithal to change conditions impacting the poor and imprisoned black folks in this country — period!

Not one of them have the street credibility to visit — much less walk — the streets of urban neighborhoods to meet with poor people living in public housing projects, visit crack houses, and/or talk to members of youth gangs hanging out on street corners watching life pass them by.

Are you saying to yourself, “Overstreet ain’t blessed with a pair big enough to say what needs to be said!”? Yes I do, but I am under no illusion you will believe my three-step solution will work. Controversial though they may be, let’s put these proposals on the table:

  • Let’s support returning corporal punishment to schools, so our youth will again come to understand that learning can only take place in a structured and disciplined environment.
  • For as long as it takes to eradicate the violence, put the National Guard on every street corner in our inner cities where gangs exist.
  • Set up rehab health facilities, but have work-related requirements as a condition of release. Make attendance mandatory for persons imprisoned for nonviolent drug related offenses.

While this three-step solution would not be capable of solving our problems overnight, it could go a long way towards doing so in the time it takes to educate a generation, which is 12-16 years.

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