Faithful testimony
January 19, 2015 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Extra
On a mission to share a particular Bible verse, a Las Vegas man shares a special message about faith.
People cross all of our paths each day, bringing with them special gifts and unforgettable moments in time. For the last few months, Las Vegas Black Image Magazine has spotlighted a spiritual Bible verse submitted by Las Vegas resident Greg Boutte. Readers have grown curious about the selector of this message, so we have decided to share his interesting backstory.
A native of Houston, Texas, who has also lived in Los Angeles, Boutte is a retired truck driver. He served in the Armed Forces for two years, fighting in the war in Vietnam — during which time he was exposed to Agent Orange. Having retired in Las Vegas in 2002, he is living with inactive bone cancer.
Committed to his Christian beliefs, Boutte is passionate about promoting the Bible verse Jeremiah 17:5, which reads, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man. And makes flesh his strength. Whose heart departs from the Lord.”
Why is Boutte on a mission to spread this particular Bible verse? He explains: “I grew up a Christian all my life, and when I lived in Los Angeles I was an active member of Fred Price’s Crenshaw Christian Center. I didn’t really commit myself to faith until after I retired. But now I am convinced that I must live exclusively by faith. One day while I was reading my Bible the verse, Jeremiah 17:5, pulsated throughout my entire body and I believe it is my calling by God to spread its words. In a broader sense, men who trust in business, money and compensation depart from God. But God commands people to live by faith — and I am here to remind them. I try to remind people to ask God the Father for the things you want in life, and in the name of Jesus — and in prayer, you will receive. God gives you the answer, but it takes faith to receive it.”