Monday, January 13, 2025

Doing for Self

July 15, 2015 by  
Filed under Community


Recognizing the forces behind Southern Nevada Housing Authority’s highly effective Family Self-Sufficiency Program.

Paula Tucker with 2014 Graduate Samina Jackson.

Las Vegas Black Image Magazine salutes Paula Tucker and Essie Williams, program coordinators for the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority’s Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program. The program helps low-income Clark County residents achieve home ownership, learn principles of financial literacy and set goals for financial sustainability.

According to the organization, FSS “is a voluntary, work-based program designed to assist families in becoming economically independent and self-sufficient. With the support of local agencies, FSS combines case management, education, job training and ongoing support to aid families in making positive changes in their lives. The Head of Household must sign the FSS Contract of Participation, and household family members 18 years of age or older are also eligible to participate in the FSS Program.

2014 graduate Leticia Nkrumah and children, Alexis, Jason, Jeremiah, and Zechariah at 2014 FSS graduation.

The FSS program helps families establish goals and identify barriers which could prevent achievement of those goals. The program provides resources and services necessary for success, and provides case management services, encouragement, motivation and moral support to help families achieve their goals. In addition to the HUD-mandated goals of obtaining suitable employment and being off of cash welfare assistance for 12 consecutive months, participants set their own personal goals to achieve within five years.”

Each year, between 30- 40 participants complete the FSS program. This August, the agency will hold its annual graduation ceremony, recognizing participants’ achievements in reaching their designated program goals.

For additional information about FSS, call (702) 922-7076.

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