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HEALTHIER YOU: Physical activity makes you happier, healthier, stronger

September 12, 2015 by  
Filed under Health, Highlights

Physical activity makes you happier, healthier, stronger



It is a wonderful thing to be inspired to take care of our personal health.

September 30 is Women’s Health & Fitness Day. It serves as a reminder that we need to commit to healthy physical activity. It not only makes you happier, but can also save your life.

Pushing ourselves to work out, or simply take a brisk, 30-minute walk each day, can make a positive impact on your health. We live in a seated culture, with most of our daily lives revolving around activities that involve sitting in chairs: eating, watching television, reading, surfing the Internet.

The good news is that women can dictate the temperament in a household. When you get physically active, your family will follow. The main focus is modeling good behaviors, such as daily exercise and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Your children will be encouraged to stop sitting and playing video games, and will be motivated to follow your lead on bike rides or walks in the park. Maintaining physical activity helps with weight management, and fights health issues like stress, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Pregnant women should also maintain a physically active lifestyle. Walking and swimming — or just going through a regular stretch, yoga or Pilates exercise program — can make pregnancy a healthier experience.

Staying physically strong can make you a happier and healthier person. Together, we can have the healthy lives we dream about.

For additional information, contact the Las Vegas All Women’s Care offices at (702) 522-9640. Or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane No. 165 (1st floor) in Las Vegas.

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