Tuesday, January 14, 2025

America’s handbasket is all packed for the trip

October 19, 2015 by  
Filed under Conversation


Louie Overstreet

The attitudes exhibited by the powerful people who run America, the policies initiated by their lackeys, and events of the last half-dozen years (coinciding with the presidency of Barack Obama), suggest we are ready to take our trip to purgatory.

Our handbasket is packed with all kinds of goodies for the journey.

The appetizer is injustice salad, sure to be enjoyed by Americans who can easily swallow the fact that people of color do more time, for the same crime, than their counterparts in the majority population.

Next on the menu is a bowl of hearty indifference soup. This is a special treat for people who enjoy their freedoms — but remain indifferent to the care and treatment of military families whose loved ones, if they come home alive at all, too often return from abroad with broken bodies and less-than-sound minds.

Our main course consists of various hatred dishes. If you love to hate women, and believe they do not deserve equal pay for equal work, then the misogynist rump roast comes highly recommended. Hate gay folks? Then help yourself to the mountain oysters. Those who hate solely on the basis of skin color will take special delight in consuming the racist stew.

Now for dessert, we have an all-American favorite enjoyed by everyone regardless of race, color or creed: apple pie violence, topped with a scoop of insanity. Violence has become so random and accepted, and our cravings so insane, that we can’t wait for the next serving to be dished up. All the while, our society grows more uncaring and hopelessly divided along the fault lines of lifestyle, race, and the haves and have-nots.

This splendid meal is topped off with enough political nuts to choke an entire nation to death.

Sadly, on this trip down the steepest staircase, there are nothing but green lights — and no signs of a slowdown.

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