Tuesday, January 21, 2025


October 19, 2015 by  
Filed under Highlights

When Pope Francis visited the United States in September, many were awed by his presence. Greeted by throngs of admirers in Washington D.C., New York City and Philadelphia, the Pontiff humbly made a simple, humble request to both individuals and the crowds: “Pray for me.”

The request was tremendously impactful, and its symbolism resonated deeply with the American people. Why? Because humility is a vehicle for peace.

So many people have an insatiable thirst for attention and live in a self-inspired world. Unfortunately, these character traits are not rooted in confidence; they grow from insecurity and the need for affirmation. Pope Francis reminds us that the power of peace is in humility, and the real power lies in asking others for their blessings. We are all sinners and working toward a better self.

The better self we strive for is not in the imprint of people we admire, but can be found in our own journey and the fulfillment of our own goals.

As we pray for the blessings of our brothers and sisters, we unconsciously pray for ourselves. These blessings are not a hostile confrontation for attention; they represent the subtle, calming breeze of true love.

There is peace in the giving of love, and it will bloom in the heart of the world. I humbly ask all who are reading this: Pray for me.

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