Tuesday, September 10, 2024

4 Ways to Ruin Your Thanksgiving

November 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Highlights



Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, providing us with a great time to refresh and recharge for the final push of the year. I must admit that I have not always maximized this time. Below, a few tips to help you avoid messing up Thanksgiving.

1. Work more than you rest.

It is okay to stop and rest. Your bod and mind need rest. You have been going hard for nearly an entire year. Twitter, Facebook and email can all go on hold. Put down the phone and step away from the computer.

2. Talk more than you listen.

More than likely, you will attend many social gatherings over the holiday with friends and family. Please do not be the one who talks more than listens. You know this person: the one obsessed with using the popular pronoun “I” over and over again.

3. Spend more than you give.

Black Friday. Need I say more? Do not blow all the money you have earned on what retailers call “great deals.” Set a budget and buy only what people want and need. Not just what they want.

4. Eat more than you need.

I am a fan of great food. But I am not a fan of bloating and heartburn. Limit your portions and select one dessert to consume. Do not fall into the trap of looming around the dessert and leftovers. Step away.

Practice these tips and you will not ruin your Thanksgiving.

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