Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Event will push for changes to immigration law

November 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Highlights


Pictured: Supporters of immigration reform in Nevada.

On Nov. 7 at Freedom Park, Waking Up as One Nation will present a Community and Family Celebration to support changes in immigration law.

The cause is as simple as it is meaningful: keeping families together. “I want to send a message to Congress to keep families together, stop deportations, and close the family immigration detention centers,” said activist Rosemary Flores, who, through her work with the Alliance of Worker’s Rights, has advocated for undocumented men and women since 2000. “They [have gone] through a lot of injustices and discrimination.”

The rally will feature fun for the entire family. There will be an emphasis on voting rights, with speakers including State Sen. Kelvin Atkinson, Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson, and Councilman Bob Coffin. There will be live entertainment, children’s games, face painting, food vendors, community non-profit and business groups and voter registration resources. Participation is free and the event is open to the public.

“Their (undocumented citizens’) struggles and imprisonment are our own,” said Minister Rose Winston of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

For more information, contact Rosemary Flores at 702-502-1173 or send an email to Floresrosemary21265@gmail.com.

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