Wednesday, January 22, 2025

In change there is hope

December 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Highlights



Change is a constant to be leveraged — not a temporary burden to avoid. Here are 10 things people should know about handling change.

Change Affects Those You Love. Leading change is not popular. People do not want to change — especially when it comes to their lifestyles. Therefore, the effects of change on a person’s life are often experienced by their family as well.

Change Costs You Some Change. Leading change comes with a high price tag. It has emotional, physical, financial and positional costs.

Change Can Be Lonely. During times of change, you need time to think and strategize. But leading change is often a lonely process. It sometimes feels like we have no friends.

Change Takes Time. Change is often a process, not an event.

Change Requires Struggle. Change is not easy. But be encouraged — because struggle is necessary for strength and sustainability.

Change Does Not Leave You The Same. You will learn more, suffer more, experience more, grow more and become more like Jesus during times of change.

Change Requires Grit. This is the power of a God-given vision. You see a picture of your preferred future and this encourages you to stay in the game.

Change Requires Humility. Smart people have the humbleness and self-awareness to know when change is required. Ironically, the toughest things to change are the things that are self-initiated.

Change Is Necessary For You To Get Better. What you did to become successful today will not keep you successful tomorrow. New strategies, techniques and approaches will be required.

Change Allows You To See God. This is the essence of life. God takes us from where we are to somewhere better.

What do you need to change today? Be Empowered. Paz.

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