Thursday, January 16, 2025

Taking them higher

April 14, 2016 by  
Filed under Extra

Clark County School Board Trustee Dr. Linda E. Young welcomes the U-CAN College Fair.

CCSD Board Trustee Dr. Linda Young is honored by U-CAN College Fair founder Dr. Alan Rowe, for supporting the U-CAN College Fairs held in Las Vegas.

Each year, Clark County School board trustee Dr. Linda Young gets excited when the United College Action (U-CAN) Fair comes to Las Vegas.

Her passion for higher educational opportunities for Las Vegas youth is relentless. UCAN founder Dr. Alan Rowe will once again bring the U-CAN Fair to Clark County on Saturday, September 24 — and he recently revealed the outcomes from the 2015 U-CAN Fair in Las Vegas and the outcomes for the last five years of U-CAN Fairs in Clark County:

  • 2015 United College Action Fairs in Las Vegas Student/Parent attendees: 1,600
  • Clark County students accepted to college on the spot: 361
  • Scholarships offered: 157
  • Total scholarship awards for students in Clark County: $3,635,000

Las Vegas outcomes for five years of U-CAN College Fairs

  • Total student/parent attendees: 6,650
  • Total Clark County students accepted to college at the fairs: 2,126
  • Total scholarships offered on the spot to Clark County students: 1,060
  • Total value of scholarships offered to Clark County youth: $13,404,141

“There is great value in obtaining a college degree, and the U-CAN Fairs provide such an opportunity for Clark County School District students,” said CCSD trustee Dr. Linda Young. “For instance, an undergraduate or graduate degree will not only help students get a job, but it has been statistically proven on average to boost pay. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that persons with a high school degree make—on average, $626 weekly. In comparison; persons with an associate’s degree will earn, $761. Workers with a bachelor’s degree make $1,025 and those with a master’s degree receive $1,257 a week.”

She continued: “Even if salary is not a priority for students, gaining credibility with those they work with and for, can increase respect for ideas and work related projects. Completing an undergraduate degree will help students meet their ultimate career goals. A college degree fosters a movement toward upward mobility in the workplace, and typically comes not only with a salary increase, but also with greater responsibility: more tasks to complete; and more connections in a designated career field that extends beyond a student’s current work site. Research has shown that students’ college experiences help them reach their ultimate career goals. So, the U-CAN Fair is a winner with all-around educational benefits for students. They are the future leaders of America and the worid.”

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