Sunday, September 15, 2024

The business of beauty

April 18, 2016 by  
Filed under Community

One year into her success as founder of the Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas, Denise Gallant eyes the future.

Denise Gallant, Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas

Denise Gallant is proud of her accomplishments — and has every right to be. She is celebrating her first anniversary as owner and CEO of the Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas, which is providing a lot of people with opportunities to pursue a career in the cosmetology industry.

“A lot of people don’t realize that the Cosmetology Institute was started without any bank loan or financial assistance,” said Gallant. “It was developed by my personal investment and it took six months to be approved by the state board because they questioned my [ability] to sustain the institute [financially]. But during this first year, I haven’t missed a payroll or lease payment. This is one of the things I am most proud of.”

Married with five children, Gallant is passionate about sustaining business success while giving back to her community. Among her endeavors: hosting seminars to introduce residents of the Las Vegas valley to the power of mentoring. “I notice how others have hopes and dreams, but lack the resources to start their businesses,” she said. “So I, along with a great team, hold business and economic business development workshops to introduce community residents to people and resources to help make their businesses become a reality.”

It is projected that Gallant will soon open new Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas campuses in Nevada and offer scholarships to those in need. “We are moving closer to our enrolled student goal, and offering scholarships to those students who might not have the financial assistance to complete their cosmetology training,” she said. “The public needs to know that we have the most talented instructors and students who offer first-class cosmetology services to the public. We encourage people to visit our institute for their hair and nail needs. Our students are dedicated and professionally trained to give you their best.”

Las Vegas Black Image Magazine was proud to honor Denise Gallant for her success and determination to give back to Las Vegas. “I love my Las Vegas Black Image Magazine Honor that was awarded to me at this year’s Taste & Sounds of Soul Festival,” she said. “I just love it and my Las Vegas Black Image Magazine cover sits on the mantel in my living room. I just love it.”

For additional information regarding the Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas call 702-756- 2208.

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